Azure Solutions

Application Registration

(aka “Application”, “Client”, “Security Principal”, “Service Principal”)

Quickstart: Register an application with the Microsoft identity platform and related documentation should serve as your primary source of information.

* Consider using a System-Assigned Managed Identity a User-Assigned Managed Identity rather than an Application Registration to minimize operational burden {e.g., maintenance of secrets, system downtime, etc.}
* You might use a multi-tenant Service Principal to support integration with third-party applications that prompt only for Client Id and Client Secret

Create with PowerShell

Navigate to the Cloud Shell, configure as required, and select Powershell.

Modify, copy / paste, and then run the following command:

New-AzADServicePrincipal -DisplayName {SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME}

You can expect a result like:

DisplayName Id                                   AppId
----------- --                                   -----
rchaplersp  64429f26-f1cf-4bd2-8d55-fea37532e180 8c57558e-0a36-41c4-bd98-6b7efeb23fab